so proud of reagan joy

Some days they do things that are just maddening, and you feel that you've repeated yourselves a million bazillion times. And other times, a story comes out of their mouth that makes you just melt and remember the tender heart God has given them....and the fruit of all of our hard work.

Reagan relayed a story of how she was so sad today about her little friend at school, because her glasses broke...the glass fell out and she was missing a screw. Reagan said it made her sad, and that she put her hand on her shoulder as she was rubbing her eyes and looking for the screw.

Then, Reagan said, "Mom, I just then prayed a little silent prayer to Jesus for her. You know, some prayers are loud and some are quiet, but God still hears us." Wow! I'm so thankful for her compassionate heart and her ability to go to the One who can help her when her mommy and daddy can't be there for her.

And I suppose, you could think I'm always bragging on my kids...and I just want you to know that I write these stories down to record them for myself. Reagan has often been seen as a very emotional child...but I know God is growing her into a beautiful little girl and He will use what the world sees as negative for His glory. She's 5 years old...and I'm just amazed at her caring heart. Made this momma proud to call her mine....every day, but especially today!!


Brown Family said…
What a sweet little girl! I love the stories about all the kids and am so proud of Reagan Joy!

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