Happy 6th Birthday Bennett Evan Hall
Today is Bennett's 6th birthday! I can HARDLY believe it! SIX YEARS! He has LOVED kindergarten and I love to watch him try to read things, try to figure out how things are spelled. He LOVES sports, loves to know what the names are of the teams, keep track of the score, and pick his favorite. He loves to play the Wii, and loves when he can beat his older brother in FIFA (Bryce, however does not like this...ha!). He is truly my strongest personality of the four kids, and I have 3 strong willed kiddos, so that's saying something!! He is a sweet sweet kid and the perfect caboose to our family. He really just loves to keep up with his older siblings and wants to do whatever they are doing. Here are some of his favorites:
Color: Orange (probably because Bryce LOVED orange, so there's lots of orange shirts to choose from!)
Food: Pizza
Drink: Ginger Ale
Friends: Jono
Sports: Soccer and football
Team: Michigan (duh!)
What do I want to be when I grow up: Same thing as dad is...
Today, we plan to go to the local trampoline park to have some fun for his birthday. They also have laser tag, and you have to be 6 to participate, so he's SUPER excited! Happy Birthday Bennett Evan, you are so very loved!!