Happy (one day late) Anniversary to us!

Yesterday, April 12th, was 8 years of marriage for Jason and I. We have had a wonderful adventure in life, and it truly keeps getting better and better! Jason brought me home 30 tulips. They are my favorite flower, and we had them as centerpieces at our wedding reception 8 years ago. I am so excited because all around a tree in our front yard, we have tulips coming up that I didn't even know were there when we bought the house!
We had a dear friend come and watch the kids so we could go out to dinner together. Jason made reservations at Charley's Crab and we had a delicious dinner. We had some seared tuna, lobster bisque soup, and some delicious seafood....and topped it all off with a molten chocolate cake. It was so refreshing to just sit and talk about our life and our future. I'm so excited we get to grow old together!!


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