time to squeeze in another february post!

I'm not sure how February managed to sneak by me so fast, but here we are, Feb. 28th! So, I'll do my best to recap what's going on around these here parts.

I finished up my time with little Keturah....it ended up being 9 nights instead of "only" 8! Her parents got fogged into Galveston and the cruise ship was unable to port. I was thankful to return her to her parents, although the poor thing looked rather confused when I said goodbye to her. She was calling me mommy quite a bit that last day, so think she was settling in with us!

They are building a home across the street from us...boooo! We have so enjoyed our view of farmland, but we knew this time would come, although we hoped not for years! But, Bryce has loved getting to watch the bulldozers and cement mixers in and out as they dug the basement last week.
Little Ruthie will be 9 months old tomorrow! She is such a happy little girl, we are so thankful for her. Her favorite thing to do is to get into the basket of diapers in the corner in the living room and spread them all over. Ruthie just yesterday figured out how to properly crawl...so I currently have a video uploading of her this morning. Hopefully I will get that up today...it is so cute to see how methodical she is!
Here are a couple pics of Jason with his friend Eric out in California. He had such a great time with his friend/wife. He said one of the things he enjoyed the most was just being able to get outside and walk to things...dinner, the movie store, etc. The weather was so pleasant for him!
Beautiful, huh?
Today is going to be Happy Birthday to my new nephew Owen. My poor sister (I really feel for you, Jodes), is 10 days overdue with this peanut, so she's having her c-section at 2 p.m. today. He obviously likes his current home! We are excited to see him over the computer for now, and Reagan, Ruth and I have tickets booked to spend a weekend with them out there in June!
So, that's what's been happening around here....we're off to Meijer to stock up the house with food for the week. Make it a great one!!


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