More progress on our home improvement projects!

This has been the status of the ceiling in my studio now for 4 years. It was a little "rustic" to say the least, but frankly, you forgot about the absent ceiling the more you stared at the joists.
And now, our finished project. It is so nice, much more light, and it is a nice finished room. The bug caught even me today, I was outside with a circular saw cutting up wood. Beware of the woman weilding power tools. Jason thought I was joking when I called and asked if we had a saw. He kept saying, "no really, joe is going to use it right?" (joe is our friend who has done most of the home improvement work with jason). He cautioned me about slicing off a limb or finger, and then after realizing there wasn't much to be done with a woman on a mission, just told me to be careful and not cut off the cord with the saw either. I made sure to text him and let him know all my limbs are still attached and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Here's a cute pic of the kids today. I am really looking forward to spring so we call all be outside. It's going to be a complete blast with the kids so active this summer!
Here is my beautiful pussy willow outside, already budding...and YES, that's SNOW flurrying around my spring buds. It obviously didn't get the message that we are done with you for now! Spring, come quickly. I'm off, enjoy our pics!


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