Bye Bye Condo
We had some BIG news this December! Our condo, which we have owned for 18 years is no longer our condo...I can hardly believe it as I type these words. When Jason and I were engaged, we custom built this condo on the east side of the state. We lived there 8 months before Jason was offered a promotion for work and we moved. At that point, we had it up for sale, but were not able to sell it...and then the housing market tanked and we truly could not afford to bring that much cash to close to sell. We have rented our condo for all these years...never our intention to be landlords, let alone from 2 1/2 hours away! We have blessed many people with our home, often collecting less rent than we owed, one of our tenants even drove one of our vehicles for a few months when they were in need. We had a single mom in our unit...God definitely used something that was often a source of financial stress to bless others, and I really marvel at the way it all worked out here. We have had some long term tenants here over the past 5-6 years and with the market finally rebounding, we told them we intended to sell when the lease expired. They were able to purchase a home, and after quite a few surprises of wear and tear in the unit and lots of $$$ later, it was ready to list. We had lots of showings and had a full price offer in 10 days! We closed on December 23 and it's a done deal! I am so thrilled that my years as a landlord are OVER and that chapter is completed. I am in AWE of the way God sustained us through the years with it, and made a way when many times it looked impossible. HUGE praise for the end of this year!!