Vacation Up North
Remembering to take pics is not my forte, I'm always just enjoying myself! We had a great vacation up north with Jason's family. The kids enjoyed some major pool time..and this was really the first summer I felt I didn't have to be in the water with Bennett. He is not swimming yet, but it was a zero depth entry pool and he wore his swimmies, so I was able to enjoy much from the pool chairs this year (especially when they enjoyed swimming at 9 pm and it was a little colder than I prefer!!)
I took a pic of this and sent it to my friend Becca...this is so me, the introvert. She responded with "please tell me you bought that!".
This year, we traveled up and visited Tahquamenon Falls, which had been on my bucket list for years!! At the lower falls, we were just eaten alive with mosquitos, I'm so glad I had pants on. Poor Benny had bites ALL over his face. Thankfully the upper falls were not so buggy...I must say after visiting North Carolina and Banff, the waterfall seemed a bit underwhelming...but I did enjoy it, and it was a great day trip!
I am waiting for some pics from Jason's phone, but on the way back, we stopped at a bear ranch. I really thought this thing was going to be a tourist trap, but it was really cool! The bears were very active and busy and we got to see them around feeding time as well! My brother in law paid $ to have his pic taken with a cub, so most of our family was able to join in on the pic as well!!