Reagan, where's Jesus?

I think Reagan is brilliant! What mother doesn't think her child has above average intellect? We bought her the little people nativity set and gave it to her early so she could play with it up until Christmas. Over and over (and over) Reagan and I were playing and the conversation would go like this,
"Reagan, where's baby Jesus?" Reagan picks up baby Jesus.
"Good girl Reagan, you're so smart. This is Jesus. We love baby Jesus".
Over and over again this scenario played itself out. She would pick him out from among the 4 animals, Mary, Joseph, and the angel. What a smart cookie this girl is. Enter daddy.....
"Jason, you are not going to believe this, wait until I show you how smart Reagan is....
Reagan, where's Jesus?"

Drumroll please.......Reagan then proceeds to pick the angel off the manger and happily show it to daddy. We try again....same response.....okay for real this time Reagan, she hands daddy the angel. Good try mom! By the way, I still think she's brilliant.

On an entirely different note, I just returned from my first night away from Reagan. I feel a little traumatized by the whole event, but I really had a great time. I went away for a mom's conference and met up with some friends. I was surprised at how devastated I felt leaving, and I had a hard time hiding my tears at the conference. I did well once I got going, but man, it was hard!!! I really couldn't even call home, I just felt too emotional about it. I had to text Jason throughout my 24 hour absense! I feel so encouraged about my important role in raising my daughter, and I had a blast with my good friend Tracy. We stayed up late (for us...1 a.m.) just chatting away about our hubbies, kids, life, etc. It was a great blessing and she was the perfect one to share my first night away. I feel refreshed and did enjoy my time away, but just the same, I couldn't wait to kiss that sweet baby when I arrived back last night. Your kids just tug at those heart strings like no one else can. What a blessing!!!


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