Happy 10th Birthday Bennett

We have double digits!  Bennett is 10...I cannot believe it...seriously, he is 10!!

Ruthie ended up having last minute scrimmages booked that morning 2 hours away, so Reagan was the AMAZING big sister and made the breakfast pancakes for Bennett!  I told her she's hired with that excellent 10!!  Bennett opened his gift from us the night before since he was just desperate to know what it was...haha!  He got his Ugg slippers he had been eyeing....then some legos from my sister to keep him busy while we were gone in the morning.

Bennett's choice was Popeye's for dinner (he has now concluded that Popeye's is better than Chick Fil A (say it ain't so)...and back to the house for brownies and ice cream (his request).  It was a GREAT birthday!  I try to work very hard to make his birthday special with it being in December so close to Christmas.  The season is very busy and already filled with parties and extra things, so I hope that Bennett can look back and feel like we celebrated him well!  Cheers to you, Bennett!!

 Here are some of Bennett's Favorites:

Food:  Cow Tongue (lengua) tacos 
Drink:  Dr. Pepper Cream Soda
Book:  Mr. Popper's Penguins
Movie:  Napoleon Dynamite
Friends:  Reagan, Bryce, Ruthie, Mom, Dad (okay smarty pants)
Sport:  Soccer
Team:  Tottenham Spurs
Vacation Spot:  San Antonio
What do you want to be when you grow up:  Banker


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