All about the birthday girl

I enjoy capturing little snippets of their favorite things every year so they can look back and remember...

Ruth Esther, 7 years old
Favorite food pasta
Favorite book Magic Treehouse
Favorite friends Kaia Jadyn Ella
Favorite color teal

What I want to be when I grow up teacher or artist or art teacher
Favorite hobby or activity dress up and put Makeup on (side note...I indulged this precious child with a makeup kit for her birthday as she BEGS to wear mascara, blush and lipstick to church...she came down on her birthday ready for school with blue eyeshadow very generously applied and some lipstick. Heaven help me in the teenage years...she's 7!!!)
Favorite toy pedicure kit and mini spa

Favorite outfits leggings and dresses...doesn't want to be anywhere near a pair of jeans!! Loves crazy patterns and has a great sense of style.

Loves Jesus and is being baptized next weekend! We could not love her more and are so so proud of who she is!!



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